Our Funders

Thank You!

Our warmest thanks to the following past and current foundations, individuals and organizations that have helped to make Renaissance Journalism’s ambitious ideas and initiatives a reality—and a success—over the past 10 years.



The California Endowment

The California Wellness Foundation

Ford Foundation

Heising-Simons Foundation

The Nathan Cummings Foundation

Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs, San Francisco

The San Francisco Foundation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

The Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation

The Waterman Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation

The Whitman Institute




Renaissance Journalism operates as a nonprofit, fiscally sponsored project (FSP 6353) of Community Initiatives. Community Initiatives provides professional services, including grant administration and monitoring, to nonprofit startups, established initiatives, networks and collaborations. Community Initiatives is based at 1000 Broadway, Suite 480, Oakland, CA  94607.