Watch our videos to learn more about the Fresno & San Antonio Media & Housing Roundtables:
Videos by Kaylee Fagan, Renaissance Journalism
Regional Roundtables to Explore Media & the Housing Insecurity Crisis
Renaissance Journalism has launched a new national effort to explore and recommend innovative ways to improve news media coverage of the housing affordability and insecurity crisis.
The crisis is peaking with the growing wealth gap, persistent racial discrimination and unbridled gentrification, and it is having profound impacts on the health, safety and vitality of people, neighborhoods and cities.
To inform our study, which was commissioned by The Ford Foundation, we are convening three regional roundtable discussions to bring together a diverse mix of 20-25 leaders from media, philanthropy, the nonprofit/community sector and other fields. Through a facilitated dialogue, we will discuss existing media practices, imagine new possibilities, and consider ways to improve coverage.
We expect that the all-day roundtables will touch on many issues related to the housing crisis, including affordable housing, housing insecurity, homelessness, equity and social justice, the growing wealth disparities and news media performance. Renaissance Journalism previously has used the roundtable format to gather insights for other initiatives.
The three roundtable sites are Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (May 31, 2019); Fresno, California (July 17, 2019); and San Antonio, Texas (August 14, 2019).
Each roundtable will be hosted by a local foundation. The Heinz Endowments will host the first roundtable in Pittsburgh, followed by The California Endowment in Fresno, and the H.E. Butt Foundation in San Antonio.
Renaissance Journalism is partnering with the Neighborhood Funders Group and the New School’s Journalism + Design program to undertake this work.