Blog / News

CENSUS 2020: How can journalists and community leaders collaborate to ensure all are counted?

On August 21, Renaissance Journalism and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) co-hosted a lively conversation among 40-plus Bay Area journalists and community leaders about the 2020 Census. We challenged these “trusted community messengers” to brainstorm creative ways they could work together to increase participation in the census, particularly in “hard-to-count” groups, such as immigrants, racial minorities and the homeless.

Regional Roundtables to Explore Media & the Housing Insecurity Crisis

Renaissance Journalism has launched a new national effort to explore and recommend innovative ways to improve news media coverage of the housing affordability and insecurity crisis. To inform our study, which was commissioned by The Ford Foundation, we are convening three regional roundtable discussions to bring together a diverse mix of 20-25 leaders from media, philanthropy, the nonprofit/community sector and other fields. Through a facilitated dialogue, we will discuss existing media practices, imagine new possibilities, and consider ways to improve coverage.

Using systems thinking to untangle the Bay Area’s housing crisis

Renaissance Journalism will host a free, one-day workshop for Bay Area journalists on July 19 on how to incorporate systems thinking into in-depth reporting projects. The workshop will be led by the New School’s Journalism + Design program and held at Oakland’s collaborative workspace StudioToBe. This is a by-invitation-only event to Bay Area journalists, with participation limited to 20 people. Early reservations via this link are strongly encouraged by 5pm Friday, July 13.