An “admissions-driven arms race” is widening the disparity in college access between rich and poor students in Michigan.
By Ron French, Senior Writer, Bridge Magazine
Innovative dual-language schools are taking root in the South, but big challenges still loom to meet the needs of English learners.
By Dan Carsen, Education Reporter, WBHM and The Southern Education Desk
The constant thrum of violence in Oakland, California’s poorest neighborhoods puts kids at a disadvantage in school, even before they walk in the door.
By Zaidee Stavely, Radio Reporter, KQED News and Radio Bilingüe
Reinventing school for young black men in crisis in Minnesota.
By Beth Hawkins, Education Reporter, MinnPost
Photographs by Johnny Crawford
A behind-the-scenes look at one troubled school’s struggle to improve.
By Patrick Wall, Education Reporter, Chalkbeat New York
A radio documentary follows a group of Oregon first-graders as they start their educational journey toward high school.
By Rob Manning, Reporter, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)
Thousands of California students are at risk of falling behind as they strive to gain competency of the English language.
By Charla Bear and Julia McEvoy, KQED News
An Oregon school superintendent proposes a controversial plan to improve education for poor and minority students. Will it work?
By Beth Slovic, Staff Writer, Willamette Week
A five-part series examines school funding inequities in the Lone Star State.
By Laura Isensee, Education Reporter, Houston Public Media
Students from refugee and immigrant families are struggling to get a decent public education in Greensboro, North Carolina.
By Marquita Brown, Education Reporter, News & Record (Greensboro, N.C.)
Why are so many high-achieving low-income students dropping out of college?
By Kavitha Cardoza, Education Reporter and Host, “Breaking Ground,” WAMU 88.5, American University Radio
A football coach is determined to help students growing up in one of Detroit’s toughest neighborhoods stay in school and graduate from high school.
By Jennifer Guerra, Reporter, State of Opportunity Project, Michigan Radio
Local experiments look to improve racial and class diversity throughout the city’s public education system.
By Matt Collette, WNYC and Slate
Why are so many young African American men struggling to make the grade in Pittsburgh’s public schools?
By Rebecca Nuttall, Staff Writer, Pittsburgh City Paper
In Kansas and throughout the nation, rural schools are facing big challenges.
By Celia Llopis-Jepsen, Education Reporter, Topeka Capital-Journal
Two honor students from Normandy High, one of Missouri’s worst-performing schools, choose different paths and learn that not all schools are created equal.
By Elisa Crouch, Education Reporter, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Standardized tests don’t seem to be leveling the educational playing field. Is it time to say: Enough?
By Kristina Rizga, Education Reporter, Mother Jones
A racially and economically diverse preschool in St. Louis is pushed to the brink as it wrestles with behavioral problems.
By Aisha Sultan, Columnist and Editor, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Are dual language programs a bridge to opportunity and a brighter future for our nation’s English learners?
By Alejandra Lagos, Education News Producer, Univision Noticias